Business Plans are valuable tools for entrepreneurs. They are usually necessary when applying for loans and sometimes when applying for permits and/or licenses. They are also a great way to evaluate and manage your business as it grows, since a good Business Plan includes goals, budgets and ideas. You may want to set a date to reevaluate your Business Plan yearly.
Each section of the BusinessPlan NoteBook requires you to supply information regarding your business. Record the information in the space provided, then go back and erase the prompting paragraphs. When all of the sections are filled in, select the “Save As Text” option under the File menu. Use your favorite word processing program (or TeachText) to open the saved text file and edit out any excess words and/or characters. Change the font and margins if you wish. When it’s ready, print out the final copy.
I would appreciate hearing from you if you used this program to write your Business Plan. Please email me at and include your business’s name.
I would also appreciate feedback on this software application. Not the NoteBook in general (which was created by someone else), but this BusinessPlan NoteBook specifically. Any comments? Suggestions? Thank you!